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    Waste Shipments Directive
  • Water and Land Remediation

    Tags: water



    The contaminated sites management is a process that has different speeds in Members States. This is due partly on difference in legislation that would mean different definitions as for making some examples “potentially contaminated sites”, “contaminated sites”, “remediated sites”. For this reason, the European Commission-JRC launched an initiative with EEA-EIONET network to find common definitions and a survey in MS in 2018 ( that resulted in defining 6 site statuses.

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  • Implementation challenge 2021



    IMPEL has carried out a few similar surveys in recent years which gave a great deal of useful information.  The situation, however, has changed dramatically with the declaration of a climate emergency by many countries, a huge rise in awareness on plastics and global biodiversity decline.  This situation has been significantly exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has significantly derailed regulatory programmes and will ultimately affect public sector budgets and the finances of those expected to comply with environmental legislation. This work is needed to fully identify and quantify these emerging challenges and seek to highlight opportunities and solutions to support the regulatory community. The work will also directly inform the creation of a Multiannual Strategic Plan for 2022 onwards.

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  • Climate Emergency Umbrella Programme



    The declaration of a climate emergency (as well as an increasing awareness of the impact of plastic, biodiversity decline and now the impacts of a global pandemic & potential green recovery) are having a profound impact on policy, how we regulate and on those that we regulate. The pressures to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases, the reduction of carbon or supporting green recovery are increasing yet few regulators have the correct tools to begin to tackle these issues. This programme hopes to tackle these issues by designing tools and approaches that regulators can use to meet these emerging challenges. It is proposed that a programme of work is established that will cover the period 2021-2024.

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  • IMPEL Mini Conference on Compliance Assurance



    Knowledge of the successful implementation of many of regulatory enforcement tools is often limited within the regulatory community.  The ability to showcase these tools and approaches is needed to help make regulatory bodies more effective and efficient and to ultimately give high levels of environmental protection.

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  • The Big/Little TFS project



    Throughout several years and multiple IMPEL projects the initiators of the project have identified that multiple TFS inspectors together have had thousands of inspections in the field of TFS. All these inspections have boiled down to an extensive knowledge of the legislation connected to physical inspections of transboundary shipments of waste. However, despite several legislative changes and reviews of the legislation, there are still lacking a connect between legislators and inspectors out in the field when it comes to some of the details in the legislation. These “details” could be where there are certain intentions with the legislation but due to the disconnect due to long lines of communication and many agencies between legislators on a EU-level and TFS inspector and the level of which such “details” might not be brought up higher in each nations priorities towards the commission since they are just that, “details”.

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  • Tackling illegal groundwater drilling and abstractions (TIGDA)



    Groundwater is and remains a valuable resource for the environment and different human activities. Environmental and anthropogenic pressures on this resource include amongst others: climate change (drought, flooding, etc.), (over)abstraction and pollution (point source and diffuse). Water reuse, water buffering and infiltration are some of the possible measures to diminish our requirement for fresh groundwater as well as replenish its storage. Nonetheless groundwater drilling and abstraction will remain necessary for different purposes. Groundwater shortage is no longer an exclusive problem for arid or Mediterranean countries. Recent prolonged drought periods have repeatedly made clear that groundwater supplies have to be carefully managed (abstraction as well as recharge) in all member states and countries in Europe.

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  • BIOVAL – Ecosystems Recovery Calculation



    There is still a lack of awareness of the impact of wildlife crime to ecosystems and protected species. The way to calculate this damage in order to become a useful and reliable instrument during prosecution and during court cases is a topic that needs to be further explored. There are already some good examples. For instance, in Finland the prosecutor is obliged to work with a ‘pricelist’ that calculates damage to ecosystems and protected species. This varies from smaller infringements to wildlife crime where heavy endangered species are involved.

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  • Europe Marine Transborder Transect



    For many years, several research bodies have worked on monitoring cetaceans using large vessels and ferries as platform of observations. The two main European networks are the FLT MED NETwork led by ISPRA and the Atlantic Network led by ORCA (which publishes yearly the “state of European cetacean”). The networks are expanding also for the southern countries of the Mediterranean Region (such as Tunisia and Morocco). There is a strong need for all the team leaders of the different research bodies to meet and strengthen the collaboration, the best practices, and the improvement of the common research and shared monitoring protocol as well as expanding the survey coverage.

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  • Strategic Network Collaboration



    A large part of the work of the IMPEL Waste & TFS cluster is focusing on compliance of trans-boundary movement of waste. Because a large volume of waste shipments is destined for countries outside Europe it is important to have good contacts with the authorities in these destination countries. Most IMPEL members have minimal contact with these far away countries. Environmental damage such as e-waste dumping in Africa and plastic dumping in Asia is unfortunately quite common and we see a high number of structural illicit traffic taking place. The market is dynamic and as a result of recent political developments such as the import ban in China and European authorities struggle to keep up with what is the situation in practice. In these cases, international collaboration is essential.

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  • Trend Reversal in Groundwater Pollution



    Art. 4 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) obliges Member States, among other things, to protect, enhance and restore all bodies of groundwater with the aim of achieving good groundwater status by December 2015, and to implement the measures necessary to reverse any significant and sustained upward trend in the concentration of pollutants. In actual fact, however, 25 % of ground water bodies in the EU (and e.g. 36 % in Germany) were chemically in a poor status in 2015, mostly due to pollution with nitrates and pesticides from agriculture. Moreover, according to an EEA report of 2018, the total groundwater body area with an identified upward trend of pollution is still nearly double the area with a trend reversal (9.9 % against 5.9 % of area).

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