13 Feb, 2025
Nature Protection
Nature Protection

🌿🌍 Discover IMPEL work and projects through the Open Days webinars!
πŸš€ After the success of our previous sessions, we are excited to announce the fourth IMPEL Network Open Day, dedicated to the Nature Protection Expert Team.
πŸ“… When? Wednesday, 19th February, from 10:00 to 11:30 CET
πŸ”— Register here or scan the QR code.
πŸ”Ή Agenda & Speakers:
🟒 Opening and Introduction
πŸ”Ή IMPEL Board – Marco Falconi, Rob Kramers, Florije Kqiku
πŸ”Ή European Commission’s Priorities – Jeremie Crespin
πŸ”Ή Presentation of the Nature Protection Expert Team – Elisabete Santos
🟒 Key Topics & Projects:
βœ… Invasive Alien Species and NIRAM – Gisela Holzgraefe
βœ… EU Action Plan Wildlife Trafficking – Nuno Saavedra, Elisabete Santos
βœ… Implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives at European Aerodromes – Albert de Hoon
βœ… Joint Network for Wild Fungi (JoNeF) – Francesca Floccia
βœ… BIOVAL Eco System Recovery Calculation (Joint EUFJE, ENPE, and IMPEL) – Ariane Samson-Divisia (EUFJE)
πŸ’¬ We will conclude with a discussion and Q&A session.
πŸ“’ Don't miss this opportunity to connect with experts and stay updated on key environmental projects.
πŸ”— Register now and share with your colleagues!

Marco Falconi-IMPEL Chair

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