IMPEL Country Visit in Serbia: Strengthening Environmental Cooperation

12 Mar, 2025

On 27th February 2025, the IMPEL Network had the opportunity to conduct a Country Visit to Serbia, fostering discussions on key environmental challenges and opportunities for collaboration.
The Head of Cabinet at Serbia's Ministry of Environmental Protection, Sara Pavkov, emphasized Serbia’s progress in updating its regulatory framework for environmental directives but highlighted the need for further efforts, especially in waste management and capacity building for environmental inspections. IMPEL experts engaged in meaningful exchanges with Serbian authorities, exploring ways in which our network can provide support through knowledge-sharing, technical expertise, and peer cooperation.
🔹 Some key highlights of the visit:
✅ Presentation of IMPEL’s 2025-2027 project portfolio and its relevance to Serbia
✅ Discussion on the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and potential involvement in IMPEL’s Green Steel and Waste Incineration activities
✅ Exploration of Serbia’s interest in the IMPEL Review Initiative (IRI) and potential training opportunities in environmental inspections
✅ Sharing experiences on the Environmental Crime Directive (ECD) and its implementation challenges
IMPEL stands ready to support Serbia in strengthening its enforcement capacity, tackling key environmental challenges, and ensuring compliance with EU environmental standards. This visit marks the beginning of a reinforced collaboration to drive real, impactful change! ðŸŒ±ðŸŒŽ

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