IMPEL Country Visit in Montenegro: Strengthening Environmental Collaboration

11 Mar, 2025

On February 28th, 2025, the IMPEL Network was pleased to carry out a Country Visit to Montenegro, during which insightful discussions have been held on environmental issues, priorities, and potential future partnerships.
During the visit, the State Secretary for Ecology and Director of the Environment Protection Agency outlined Montenegro’s key environmental challenges and priorities, highlighting areas where strengthened enforcement and collaboration would be very beneficial. In response, IMPEL presented its activities and mission, emphasizing how our network can support Montenegro through knowledge exchange, technical expertise, and peer-to-peer cooperation.
Key highlights of the visit included:
✅ Presentation of IMPEL’s 2025-2027 project portfolio and its relevance to Montenegro
✅ Discussion on the benefits of IMPEL peer to peer programmes and inspector exchanges
✅ Exploring avenues for effective future collaboration, to pinpoint which IMPEL activities are of most relevance to Montenegro.
IMPEL is keen to support one if its newest members to strengthen its ability to tackle environmental challenges and we look forward to working more closely them in the future! 

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