ENFORCE has released a publication recently on Illegal Traffic of Waste!

11 Mar, 2025

ENFORCE is an "Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic" was established by the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and IMPEL collaborates ENFORCE as a membership.

ENFORCE released a publication recently "ENFORCEment: A Decade of Global Action Against Illegal Traffic in Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes" to celebrate a decade of enforcement action against illegal traffic, highlighting how global cooperation— especially through the Basel Convention’s Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE)—is enhancing countries’ ability to prevent and punish illegal traffic in hazardous and other wastes.

The publication’s section on global and regional trends in illegal traffic draws from official data submitted by Parties to the Basel Convention Secretariat, as well as on data provided by ENFORCE members. The publication portrays best practices and selected activities to address the illegal traffic in wastes based on contributions from the ENFORCE community. It features national and regional efforts in Europe, Asia, and Africa; capacity-building programmes, tools and guidelines available to support Parties in addressing the illegal traffic in wastes; and global initiatives such as the Green Customs Initiative, WasteForce, and Unwaste.

The publication also presents the positive impact of the DEMETER enforcement operations, coordinated by the World Customs Organization, which unite Customs administrations worldwide to track and intercept illegal wastes shipments. These operations demonstrate the effectiveness of coordinated enforcement, leading to the identification of significant volumes of wastes transported illegally. In an increasingly interconnected world, no country can tackle the issue of the illegal traffic in hazardous and other wastes alone.

ENFORCE has strengthened international partnerships, enhanced enforcement capacity, and fostered collective action, making meaningful progress in preventing and punishing illegal traffic and protecting both the environment and human health for the generations to come.

Please visit ENFORCE webpage and IMPEL project page Strategic Network Collaboration for more information

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