Documents (401)

Cross-cutting tools & Approaches | Implementation of legislation
Survey Report

Implementation Challenge/2021

This document is a survey report that identifies the challenges in the practical implementation of EU environmental law. The report, conducted by the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL), found that the biggest challenges to implementation include waste management, water pollution, climate change, and staffing difficulties.
Available in: en
Cross-cutting tools & Approaches | Implementation of legislation
Survey Report

Summary Implementation Challenge/ 2021

This document summarizes the key findings of the Implementation Challenge 2021 survey, highlighting the main challenges faced by environmental regulators in implementing EU environmental law. These challenges included waste crime, site abandonment, trans-frontier shipment of waste, single-use plastics, climate change, protection of land and water, soils, nature protection, and environmental damage and restoration.
Available in: en
Cross-cutting tools & Approaches | Climate Change

Handbook/ Environmental Inspection and Certification of EMS/ 2022

This handbook explores the collaboration between public environmental inspections and private accredited certification of environmental management systems (EMS) like ISO 14001 and EMAS. The handbook provides information about environmental regulations, inspections, and private certification. It also explains how environmental inspections can benefit from private certification and offers strategies and tools to help implement this collaboration.
Available in: en
Cross-cutting tools & Approaches | Compliance assurance
Conference Report

IMPEL 2022 Mini Conference on Compliance Assurance/ 2023

This document is a conference report that summarizes the IMPEL Mini Conference on Compliance Assurance 2022, which focused on compliance promotion as a key strategy for ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, alongside compliance monitoring and follow-up & enforcement. The report highlights the importance of a holistic and integrated approach to compliance assurance, emphasizing the use of data collection and analysis to develop appropriate actions.
Available in: en
Waste and TFS | Waste Shipment
Survey Report

Big Little TFS Project

The Big/Little TFS project, aimed to identify issues that prevent inspectors from effectively enforcing waste shipment regulations. The project found a disconnect between the legislation's intent and the practical realities faced by inspectors in the field, primarily regarding the traceability of green-listed waste and cooperation between authorities. The project also highlighted a need for updates to existing guidelines and clarification of certain legal articles, particularly those related to environmental protection and inspection mandates. The project team concluded that these issues need to be addressed to ensure the effective implementation of the legislation and suggested an extension of the project to develop solutions in collaboration with member states
Available in: en
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