IMPEL Review Initiative Tool (IRI)

Why have an IRI?

“There is no doubt about the value of the IRI process for the host country and also those taking part in the review. The question is not if an IRI is a valuable instrument, the question is how to update, market and organise reviews in such a way that they will appeal to a larger audience than it has done so far”.  (Patricia Weenink, IRI Review Programme Manager & IRI Ambassador)."

10 reasons why every environmental authority should want an IRI 

1. IRI helps you work in line with EU regulation.

2. By taking part in an IRI, you take part in IMPEL’s core activity.

3. IRI shares good practice and language is not a barrier.

4. IRI offers your organisation inexpensive, fast and professional support.

5. During an IRI you get advice, not instructions.

6. IRI offers an open discussion to help develop good practice.

7. IRI gives good value for your money and your time.

8. IRI gives you a fresh perspective on your organisation.

9. The host, review team and IMPEL members benefit from an IRI.

10. Enhance your reputation within the EU 

....take on an IRI!


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