IMPEL Review Initiative Tool (IRI)

How to organise an IRI

Getting started

Once an environmental authority has been convinced of the benefits of an IRI then the process of organising the review can begin.

Tasks to get started with the review


Go to the IRI page on the IMPEL website and  get in touch with an IRI Ambassador.

The IRI Ambassadors are: Simon Bingham, Michael Nicholson and Patricia Weenink.

IRI Host

The Ambassador will contact you and discuss your plans. The Ambassador will also help you draft a Terms of Reference (ToR) and appoint a Team Leader and a Rapporteur to your IRI

IRI Ambassador

Write and present ToR to Expert Team and General Assembly

Expert Team Leader

Identify participants: whom do you want to invite to your IRI?

  • IRI candidate, in consultation with ambassador and team leader.
  • In review team one participant from host country!
  • Team maximum7 participants (including team leader and rapporteur).

In advance of the IRI, there will be a 1-­‐day Preparatory meeting. During this meeting the scope of the IRI will be agreed as well as what preparatory work will be needed to be carried out in advance of the IRI review itself. It is not necessary to translate large legislative documents for an IRI!

The preparatory meeting is also an opportunity for the Team Leader and rapporteur to meet with senior management to gain ‘buy-­‐in’ and support for the IRI process and to invite them to take part.

Team Leader and rapporteur with the Hosts of the review (including senior management)

Send information to project team, including completed “Chapter A” of questionnaire.

Team Leader and rapporteur.

During the review

Tasks during the review


Review team meeting to discuss expectations and targets for the review. 1-­‐ 2 hours the evening before the project starts

Review team


The team leader will lead the review. He may invite members of the review team to lead on certain sections depending on their expertise. The host may wish to present an overview for sections of the questionnaire to set the scene for the presentations. The review team will discuss the findings at the end of the day and agree on the points of best practice and areas for development. They will briefly discuss this at the beginning of the following day after having had a chance to sleep on what they have learned!

Review team and IRI host

Write draft report


Discuss draft report with review team. Draft report of each day will be discussed within the project team the next morning. Text of chapters A and B are provided by host in such a way that they can easily be

included in the report.

Review team

Discuss draft report with host – on the last day of the review

Team Leader and rapporteurs and IRI host

Finalise draft report

Team Leader and rapporteurs and IRI host

Presentation of draft report to host at the end of the project. The host could select colleagues that would be interested in hearing the findings of the project, to attend.

Team Leader

After the review


Tasks after the project


Finalise report

Team Leader and Rapporteur

Present report to Expert Team


Present report to General Assembly for approval


Finalise financial matters

Host and IMPEL Secretariat

Write article for IMPEL website

Host and Team Leader

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