Doing the right things methodology for permitting – Comparison


Doing the right things for environmental permitting is an ongoing project (2016-2018) that looks closely at the relation between permitting and inspection, identify interesting case studies and best practices in Europe and identify and describe the steps that could be used in permitting procedures.

The proposal of this 3 year project is to: 1) collect and compare the procedures that are used within
Europe at this moment and clarify the needs, 2) based on this information, a project team will develop a guidance that is flexible enough to accommodate the authorities in Europe while issuing permits for the IED, 3) organize training sessions on IED permitting and identify the gaps in tools and methodologies for issuing permits so new IMPEL projects can be initiated.

The final outcome of the work is a step-by-step guidance for permitting, well trained permitting
officers and an identification of new IMPEL initiatives for projects on permitting.

Lead country and contact

The Netherlands
Tony Liebregts

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