• APA and Ministry of Agriculture, the Sea, the Environment and Territorial Planning, Portugal, 2011, Guide for the Assessment of Imminent Threats and Environmental Damages
• Dutch Government, 2008, Guidelines for Part 17.2 of the Dutch Environmental Management Act (Wm): measures in the event of environmental damage or its imminent threat
• EPA and ASEP (Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning), Denmark, 2012, ELD Guidelines
• EPA, Ireland, 2011, Environmental Liability Regulations Guidance Document
• EU Commission, Eftec, Stratus Consulting, 2013, Environmental Liability Directive: Training Handbook and Accompanying Slides
• EU Commission, 2021, ELD Guidelines providing a common understanding of the term “environmental damage” as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage
• Ministry for the Ecological Transition, Spain, 2019, Guidance Document - Determining the significance of environmental damage in the context of the law 26/2007, of october 23, on environmental responsibility
• Ministry of the Environment, Finland, 2012, Remediation of Significant Environmental Damage - Manual on Procedures
• Scottish Government, 2009, Environmental Liability (Scotland) Regulations, Draft Guidance
• SNPA (National System for Environmental Protection), Italy, 2021, AA.VV. - “Metodologie e criteri di riferimento per la valutazione del danno ambientale ex parte sesta del Dlgs 152/2006” - Linee Guida SNPA 33/2021.
Documents are quoted in alphabetical order as: [Author/s, Year, Title, #]