Information required to screen ELD cases

Useful information (known or estimated) to screen ELD cases are:
1)    For STEP 1:
-    Actual or possible damaging occurrence
-    Type, magnitude, duration and characteristics of damage factors
-    Actual or possible adverse effects to the environment related to damage factors
2)    For STEP 2:
-    Actual or possible responsible occupational activity
-    Time when the damaging occurrence took place
-    Actual or possible adverse effects to the environment related to reference concepts

Note: Information and data collected, as well as the time when they are collected, is an issue that affects the screening checks.
Note: STEP 1 screening of cases of possible biodiversity damage has been divided in two groups depending on the area you are visiting/inspecting.

Note: The screening check-list STEP 1 aims to help the user non-expert in ELD to identify cases that should be handled under ELD regime, namely, when it is appropriate to submit the case to ELD competent authority. As a consequence, when the case is not identified as possible ELD case in STEP 1, it does not mean that it cannot be an ELD cases, because STEP 1 aims only to help identifying possible ELD cases and not the contrary, namely to identify possible non-ELD cases. Thus, if the answer to the question is NO, it does not mean that you can be confident that the case is not an ELD case.
Note: The user may not have all useful information to screen the cases by the screening process STEP 2. In this case, the user can continue the assessment of the case by completing the ISPD tables as they include the assessments of screening process STEP 2.

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