How to use the ISPD tables

The ISPD tables are tables concerning the IMPACT, STATE, PRESSURE and DRIVER components of the DPSIR model that was adapted to environmental damage assessment and proposed in the CAED Guidelines and Tables.
The ISPD tables are primarily composed of a table concerning the IMPACT component and a table concerning the STATE component for each ELD natural resource assessed (biodiversity, water, land). The IMPACT and STATE tables should be used one by one for each single ELD natural resource of the same type, e.g. one for each species or natural habitat or surface water or groundwater assessed.
The tables are constituted by general sections followed by specific sections, that contain indicators referred only to a subgroup of natural resources (e.g. coastal and marine waters and groundwater in the tables for Water). In case a specific section of a table does not concern the natural resource under assessment, the user should skip to the next section of the table. In tables for Water, “surface waters” section should be used for evaluating both surface inland waters and coastal and marine waters.
The PRESSURE, except for the specific section “land”, and DRIVER tables are valid for each natural resource.
The STATE table for biodiversity contains DESCRIPTION columns for each level of baseline assessment (Local/Site level, National level, Bio-geographical/European level).

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