Decision-making flowchart for the determination of the clues and evidence of water damage

The following fig. 15 represents the decision-making flowchart for the determination of the clues and evidence of damage to Water:


Figure 15 – Decision-making flowchart for the determination of the clues and evidence of water damage.
Figure 15 – Decision-making flowchart for the determination of the clues and evidence of water damage.

Note that:
•    "IMPACT" means adverse effects on reference concepts of a natural resource under ELD (consider that in some jurisdictions significant risk for human health is considered as reference concept for water damage).
•    "PRESSURE" means damaging occurrences and damage factors exposing protected natural resources under ELD to an IMPACT or to a potential IMPACT.
•    as “Water body” it is refered to one or more bodies of surface water or/and bodies of groudwater as defined respectively in articles 2(10) and 2(12) of the Water Framework Directive.

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