The Practical Guide is divided into the following main chapters:
• Chapter 1 details the scope, purpose and content of the Practical guide and the background to and method of the CAED project;
• Chapter 2 contains a short description of the scope and relevant content of the EU COM Notice;
• Chapter 3 contains a description of the check-list and criteria to screen ELD and non-ELD cases;
• Chapter 4 contains a description of the check-list and criteria to identify cases of imminent threat of damage under ELD;
• Chapter 5 contains a new methodology and indicators for the determination the clues and evidence of environmental damage under ELD;
• Chapter 6 contains decision-making flowcharts for the determination of the clues and evidence of damage under ELD.
The Practical Guide is complemented by ready-to-use “Practical Tables” in a separated excel file, containing check-lists to screen ELD cases and identify cases of imminent threat of damage, as well as tables of IMPACT, STATE, PRESSURE and DRIVER (hereafter called ISPD tables) based on the DPSIR model applied to environmental damage.
The “Practical Tables” excel file contains:
• A sheet containing authors and references
• A sheet containing terminology
• A sheet containing explanatory notes for the use of the Practical tables
• A sheet containing the tables of colour codes for the indicators/groups of indicators, as well as for the evaluation and the interim judgement
• A sheet containing the check-list to screen ELD cases
• A sheet containing the check-list to identify cases of imminent threat of damage
• A sheet containing the table of IMPACT and STATE for biodiversity
• A sheet containing the table of IMPACT and STATE for water
• A sheet containing the table of IMPACT and STATE for land
• A sheet containing the table of PRESSURE for all natural resources
• A sheet containing the table of DRIVER for all natural resources
• A sheet containing the table for the description and judgement of the case
• A sheet containing the data source (hidden sheet)
In this updated and upgraded version of the Practical Guide, the examples of the use of the Practical Tables (former annex VI) are not included.