Content and use of the Practical Tables

The Practical tables are a useful tool to screen, identify and assess ELD cases and determine environmental damage and imminent threat of damage.
As said, the tables of IMPACT, STATE, PRESSURE, DRIVER (ISPD tables) are based on the use of the DPSIR model adapted to environmental damage assessment and are constituted of pre-defined indicators classified and grouped according to their scope and objectives1.
These ISPD tables are mainly constituted by indicators useful to:
1) Screen ELD and non-ELD cases2 
2) Identify imminent threat of damage under ELD
3) Identify clues and evidence of environmental damage
To identify which indicators are related to actions above (1, 2 or 3), they have been coloured and dressed with symbols.

Note: the screening of ELD cases and the identification of cases of imminent threat of damage can be conducted by the dedicated check-lists included in the Practical Tables. However, both may be conducted directly by using of the ISPD tables themselves, when assessing a case. Thus, it is not mandatory to use check-lists before using the ISPD tables.


  However, the tables are non-exhaustive, i.e. case-specific indicators could be added as long as they can be categorised by the objective of the evaluation.
  2 The screening of cases includes the assessment of ELD applicability.
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