Compilation of DESCRIPTION column of ISPD tables

The column “Description” should be compiled with the description and/or values (when available) of the relevant indicator for the case being assessed; the user may use drop-down lists and/or enter free text (manually entry); free text should stand either before or after user's selection from the drop-down list and must be separated by ";". Moreover, the user can make single or multiple selections from the drop-down list. In case the user selects a wrong element from the drop-down list, he can delete it by selecting it again.

Note: It is not mandatory to determine information/data and compile “Description” column for every indicator, but it would be useful to provide as much relevant information/data as possible about the case.
Note: In cases when the information and data included in the “Description” column are repeated in more than a box in the same or different tables, the user may decide to link boxes or to refers to the other boxes content etc. in order not to duplicate information/data and compilation efforts.

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