Compilation and output of the Practical tables (included also in the Practical Tables)

The following table format "Description and final judgement of the case" in tab. 9 should contain the relevant information about the case, its final judgement, as well as possible further investigations required:

Damaging occurrence  
Damage factors  
Natural Resources Impacted  
Adverse effects on Reference Concepts  
Final Judgement  
Further investigations required  


Table 9 – Table format that should contain the relevant information of the case, the final judgement, and the further investigations required.

In the “Final Judgement” box (tab. 6), a summary description of the outcomes of the investigation and assessment should be provided. Moreover, in case any clues have been determined, the type of clues should be specified - CLUES OF NATURAL RESOURCE (CNR) or CLUES OF DAMAGING OCCURRENCE AND DAMAGE FACTORS + NATURAL RESOURCE (CD+CNR).

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