Colour codes (included also in the Practical Tables)

Some indicators in "Indicators" column of each ISPD table are coloured and dressed with symbols in order to let the user identify their scope (tab. 6):

Indicator Colour and symbol
ELD applicability indicators * yellow
Indicators to screen ELD cases # fuchsia
Indicators to identify imminent threat of damage or clues of damage º orange
Indicators to identify evidence of environmental damage ^ red

Table 6 - Procedure for the determination of clues of environmental damage.

Note: indicators to verify applicability of ELD have been coloured in yellow because they are a subgroup of all indicators to screen cases according to ELD criteria. This choice was made because screening of potential ELD cases and verification of the ELD applicability may be conducted by different subjects/users.

Note: that indicators to identify imminent threat of damage or clues of damage have been coloured with the same colour. This is because sometimes an indicator can give an information either about an imminent threat of damage and/or a clue of damage, even if there is a clear difference between an imminent threat of damage and a clue of damage: the identification of an imminent threat of damage triggers preventive actions to avoid damage, while the identification of a clue of damage triggers further investigations to determine evidence of damage.


Indicators that are coloured in red represent circumstances of evidence of damage, namely damage according to the definitions of environmental damage in art. 2 of Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) as well as to the clarifications of Commission Notice C(2021) 1860 final of 24 March 2021 (see also Terminology sheet).

In case you determine damage consistent with the indicators for evidence of damage, you have found an environmental damage pursuant to ELD.

Moreover, the compilation of the ISPD tables may be supplemented by using a colour code for the "EVALUATION" column as well as for the "INTERIM JUDGEMENT" column for a better and easier check of interim outputs (see par. 3.3 and 3.4).

The following table in fig. 7 represents the colour code proposed for the outputs of the "Notes" and "Evaluation" columns:

Colour code for the "Description" and "Evaluation" columns  
Favourable to the identification of the clue (text box) <- fuchsia
Unfavourable to the identification of the clue (text box) <- green
Data/information not available (express the possibility/legitimity/needs/benefits of collecting/requiring further data/infomrmation) (text box)

<- grey

Auxiliary data/information (text box) <- white
Not available data/information (empty box) <- white
Not relevant data/information (empty box) <- white

Figure 7 – Colour code proposed for the outputs for the "Notes" and "Evaluation" columns.

In addition, the following table in fig. 8 represents the colour code proposed for the outputs for the "INTERIM JUDGEMENT" column:

Colour code for the "Interim Judgement" column  
Clues of environmental damage (text box) <- fuchsia
Absence of clues of environmental damage (text box) <- green
Data/information to identify clues of damage not sufficient (express the possibility/legitimity/needs/benefits of collecting/requiring further data/information through further investigations) (text box)

<- grey

Figure 8 – Colour code proposed for the outputs for the "Interim judgement" column.

The column “Notes” may be compiled with a flag or description and/or values of the relevant indicator for the case being assessed. Moreover, multiple answers/options in column “Notes” are possible. The column “Evaluation” should be compiled with the evaluation of the group of indicators grouped by evaluation objective.

Note: the colour code is directly adopted by the user of the ISPD table, according to his evaluations on for each specific case.


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