A Practical Guidance on Financial Provision for Environmental Liabilities


Key factors to include in costing for landfills


Type of Operation



  • Monitoring, e.g. surface water,  roundwater, air, gas, leachate, stability
  • Maintenance of monitoring equipmen
  • Verification and reporting
  • Site security
  • Final capping
  • Landscaping
  • Surface water drainage
  • Leachate and gas infrastructure and management, including leachate disposal
  • Plant decontamination

The online resources identified by the IMPEL project are summarised below.

Victoria, Australia: Financial assurance calculation for landfills, prescribed industrial waste management (PIW), container washing, and PIW composting (updated 2019)

Closure and aftercare costs are required to be calculated on a site-specific basis over 30 years. The document provides a formula for landfill operational phase (closure and aftercare must be calculated on a site-specific basis), industrial waste management, container washing and composting.

Ireland: Guidance on assessing and costing environmental liabilities (2014)

The guidance covers foreseen and unforeseen liabilities for industrial and waste operations. The guidance contains templates and examples and is accompanied by Guidance on assessing and costing environmental liabilities – Unit cost rates for verification and Guidance on assessing and costing environmental liabilities – frequently asked questions. These can be found at the following link http://www.epa.ie/pubs/advice/licensee/fp/.

The guidance brought about significant improvement in environmental liability costings totalling €815 million across 163 facilities at the end of 2016, with consequent gains in financial provision.



England  Landfill operators environmental permits - calculate-your-financial-provision (2020)



Financial provision is required based on the estimated aftercare costs over a 60 year period for non-hazardous and hazardous waste landfills (unless justified otherwise) and 3 years for inert waste landfill. The English EA reported having over 500 financial securities in place in England with a total value over £600 million in 2016. 


Scotland: SEPA Technical Guidance Note Estimate of Amount of Financial Provision for Landfill (2016)


The guidance covers closure and aftercare of landfills. It has a useful discussion on the ‘cost profile’ and contains indicative costs of key items.


Northern Ireland: Financial Provision for Waste Management Activities in Northern Ireland (2016)


The guidance takes a similar approach to England and Wales for landfills and the Scotland formula approach for non-landfill waste operations.


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