Wastewater in Natural Environment (WiNE)

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Tags Circular Economy Good practice Wastewater

Project description and aims

This work package targets to help Member States on the transition to the Circular Economy within the water cycle. Through the share of good practices in urban, industrial and food production water management, in terms of water use and reuse (use of treated wastewaters as an alternative water source) is intended to identify and improve solutions in terms of water use efficiency (taking into account both quality and quantity aspects), that may contribute to zero pollution solutions.

During the previous phases of this project, at industrial level, it was intended to access the water use inside recycling activities and a new indicator (the Water Circularity Index) combining quality and quantity aspects was developed. It was applied to specific industrial installations namely oil refinery, pulp and paper factory, WWTP, etc., and during 2020/21 it was intended to find the suitability of the Index for local/regional activities.

This project intends to develop new tools and/or improve the previous one (The Water Circularity Index) that links the several pieces of environmental legislation to promote a transition to the circular economy through an efficient water use, in taking into account both quality and quantity aspects. For this goal, is intended to identify and link best practices in terms of water use within process or activity
and reuse (use of treated wastewaters as an alternative water source), water quality management, sludge management, water resources uses and energy balance.

From the application of The Water Circularity Index is, therefore, envisioned to find the best solutions in facilities, activities and final products to promote “reuse/circular markets” that will not only result from a better water efficient (quantity and quality) use, but also contributes to zero pollution solutions and, whenever possible, within the nexus water-food-energy-ecosystems.

Another related outcome of the work will be improving professional training, spreading knowledge and provide compliance assurance in rural areas as required for the implementation of the ECA 9- point Action Plan.


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