Good Practice for Tackling Nitrate Pollution from Farms and Farmsteads

2014 - 2016
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Tags Agriculture Good practice Groundwater Nitrates directive Soil

Project description and aims

Nitrate pollution from agriculture is a crucial area for IMPEL to work on due to poor levels of compliance with the Water Framework Directive and the Nitrates Directive.

During 2013 a success project was held to establish networks between agricultural and environmental inspectors in the field of diffuse pollution and the Nitrates Directive. Two field visits were held looking at the two primary topic areas. Members of the project identified that they wish to continue work in this area through the development of more exchange visits and through the development of a guidance document to share good practice identified in this area to aid implementation.

Four key themes were identified:

  1. Targeting – planning, evidence & prioritisation (including specific risk criteria);
  2. On the ground – solutions for farmers to help them implement the Directive including where possible cost benefit analysis – tools to make inspections more efficient and effective;
  3. Partnership working – using the regulatory landscape to yield multiple benefits – gaining sources of finance to implement on the ground solutions;
  4. The development of compliance assurance mechanisms to help gain environmental benefit.

Further exchange visits were organised on this topic and in the wings of the project, the team pulled together an initial guidance document that can be expanded and refreshed with experience.

In 2015 and 2016 the project will continue expanding the guidance document with more examples of good practice. Secondly it will develop a project plan for establishing an online wiki-platform for the sharing of experience. The guidance document would then be transferred into this web-based tool, which is expected to improve the accessibility of the gathered knowledge. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has positive experiences with this form of guidance for the Danish municipalities.

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