Прилагане на Директивата за ОЕЕО

Резултати от проекта

BFR in WEEE plastic / 2018
This report provides an update on the implementation and enforcement of regulations concerning BFRs in WEEE plastic. It identifies challenges in classifying BFR-containing WEEE plastic, detecting BFRs, and enforcing related regulations due to a lack of uniform thresholds and testing methods. The report highlights best practices for inspections and awareness-raising initiatives, and it recommends developing a common understanding on classification, binding thresholds for BFRs, and clear guidelines for separating and reporting BFR-containing plastics.
WEEE Classification / 2018
This document examines the classification of WEEE, aiming to achieve more uniformity across EU Member States to improve waste shipment inspections. It analyzes the classification of various WEEE components, including batteries, capacitors, oils, plastics, and circuit boards, based on the Annexes of the Waste Shipment Regulation. The report highlights discrepancies in classifications among Member States and recommends publishing a compilation document outlining these differences to facilitate a shared understanding and consistent enforcement.
Guideline on Inspection on Annex VI of WEEE/ 2018
This document provides a guideline for inspectors on Annex VI of the WEEE Directive, focusing on preventing illegal export of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). It includes a step-by-step guide for inspecting shipments, including document verification, visual inspection, and testing procedures for various equipment types. The guideline also provides examples of test requirements, declarations, and labeling used in different European countries. The document highlights the challenges in enforcing Annex VI due to a lack of uniform test requirements and documentation across Member States.
BFR in WEEE plastic and Annex VI of WEEE Directive / 2017
This document is a report by IMPEL on implementing and enforcing the WEEE Directive, focusing on Annex VI and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in WEEE plastic. It presents the findings of questionnaires and workshops conducted with Member States, revealing challenges in distinguishing used EEE from WEEE and enforcing regulations related to BFRs. The report recommends developing uniform test requirements, documentation, and guidelines for inspectors and prosecutors to address these challenges. It also calls for a new waste code for BFR-containing plastics and reporting obligations for treatment facilities.
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